Wednesday, February 22

Took me a while to realize that my ACL was torn

It took me a while to recover & get to playing status. I still didn't know that my ACL was fully damaged. By 2 weeks after my injury I was up and running & I started with my usual day to day
activities & practice.
I was able to run at full pace although when I tried stepping it didn't work out properly. A slight pain plus it felt as if the knee cap was moving from inside. I stopped practice & started going to the gym to strengthening my knee.

Two months passed & there was no progress. During this time I was getting treatment by a renowned
physiotherapist. His assumption was that I had a muscle pull or the ligaments had strained due to heavy work outs after injury.

3 months passed. I switched to native medicine. I went to a person known as " Wedamahaththaya " or the village witch doctor, who cured most of my injuries. There different treatments were use such
as hear therapy, herb oil massages & etc. There only progress was that the pain reduced & the swelling went down. Still the knee was bad, I couldn't run & there was a visible limp when walked.

5 months later I decided to pay a visit to a sports doctor. I consulted a physician named A. Perera (Orthopedic surgeon). He diagnosed that I have ligament damage & advice to get a scan done on my knee. The results of the scan showed that I had a full tare in my ACL, & meniscus damage. Also there was a type A injury to my PCL which is another important ligament which holds the knee together...

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