Thursday, February 23

Knee streanthening - 1st week

During the 1st week you need to do a lot of exercises.

1) Quadriceps contractions is one of the best exercises that you can do during the 1st week. Follow the link & you can see for you self what this is. It's actually quite easy. These exercises are know as isometric exercises where you don't actually move the bones or other muscles, only the targeted muscle is worked out. Static Quadriceps Contraction

2) Towel squeezes is a norther easy & pain free exercise which you can do during the 1st week after the cast is removed. Use an ordinary face towel. Role it like in the picture & place it below you knee. Now slowly press downwards using your quads and at the same time Knee your toes pointed towards you. 10 - 12 repetitions of this exercise & gradually increase based on the level of difficulty.

Make sure you do the above during the 1st few days in order to maintain the strength of the muscles. Or else the muscles will gradually get weaker which will lead to stiffness.

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