Thursday, December 4

First match after surgery

I returned to the feild after 1 and a half years. My knee was not 100% fit although by that time I've had enough and I made up my mind to play some how even with the injury. It was a stupid decission if you think about it from a logical view but in my mind it was the best decission that I have made.

Slowly started practice & was able to keep up with it by attending practice regularly. I was not interested in strengthening my knee. Infact I forgot the fact that I have an injured knee. I kept on practicing and tried to improve.

After 3 weeks I had my 1st chance when I got sellected to the team. Althugh I was not part of the starting 15 players staying on the bench atkeast was something. We were to face one of the top teams in the country which was the Navy Forces Sports Club.

As usual I was having butterflies in my stomach on the night before the match. I couldnt eat much or sleep. I kept on drinking water in order to keep my body hidrated. Before going to sleep I

Thursday, August 30

Pay pal

Tuesday, August 21

having sex during ACL surgery

Resistance Band Exercises – Lower Body

Exercise 1 - Hip Extension

Begin this resistance band exercise standing at a bench or chair for balance and a resistance band around your ankle as demonstrated by the figuer. Keeping your back and knee straight, slowly take your leg backwards tightening your bottom muscles (gluteals). Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions as far as possible provided it is pain free on each leg.

Exercise 1 - Hip Abduction

Begin this resistance band exercise standing at a bench or chair for balance and a resistance band around your ankle as demonstrated the figure. Keeping your back and knee straight, slowly take your leg to the side tightening the muscles at the side of your thigh / hip (gluteals). Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions as far as possible provided it is pain free on each leg.

Exercise 1 - Hip Flexion
Begin this resistance band exercise standing at a bench or chair for balance and a resistance band around your ankle as demonstrated in the figuer below. Keeping your back and knee straight, slowly take your leg forwards tightening the muscles at the front of your thigh / hip (hip flexors). Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions as far as possible provided it is pain free on each leg.
You can do this exercise in a standing possition as well as in a sitting possition as shown by the figuers below.

Hip Fletion ( sitting )

Hip Flexion ( standing )

Hip Flexion (Standing)

• Attach elastic to secure object at ankle level.

• Loop band around ankle.
• Stand, facing away from the pull.
• Extend leg forward, keeping knee straight.
• Slowly return to start position and repeat.

                                                                          • Sit in chair.
• Loop elastic around thigh slightly above knee, stabilize ends of band under opposite foot.
• Lift one leg up, slowly return.
• Repeat.

Friday, August 3

ACL rehab schedule 2 - 3 months post operation

Thursday, August 2

Tera band rehab excursises

Exercise 1 - Flexing In Prone Possition

You need to do atleast 30 repititions in to 3 sets. Make sure to concentrate on the hamstrings & shin muscles as well as lower quadriceps when you are doing this exercise. This exercise is good for inmroving flexibility of the knee.

Thera Band
Thera-Band  Heavy Latex Resistance Exercise Pilates Bands BB  HYG165HVY

Exercise 2 - Thera-Band Knee Flexing in prone possition

20 X 3 Reps

Make sure to concentrate on the glutes & hamstrings while you are doing this exercise.

Exercise 3 - Thera-Band parallell knee pull.

Tie one end of the thera bans to a steady pole & slowly pull it away from your body using your foot. Always try to keep your knee parallel to the ground. Focus should be to strengthen the sides of your quadricep muscle.

By repeating this exercise 15 x 3 times you can strengthen your quad muscles faster.

Exercise 4 - Thera-Band parallell knee pull

Back to the feild after 8 months

Even with the slight limp I decided to return back to playing. Life wasn't easy. I had lost most of my lower body strength. I didn't have any stamina also to top that.

I kept on traning. Doctors adviced me to use a knee guard
Item image
Knee support